Conclusion of the French Fintech Tour in London & Dublin - SESAMm

From April 4th to 6th, SESAMm participated in the French Fintech Tour. The whole purpose of the event, organised by Business France, Capgemini and Facebook, was to support the international growth of 10 of the most promising French FinTech startups. Along with Neuroprofiler and Napoleon Capital – two other AI-based startups – SESAMm had the chance to represent the French Tech in London and Dublin and to meet with several senior executives and decision makers from global corporations.

With a rich panel of many renowned investment banks and hedge funds, the French Fintech Tour in London had a lot of interesting keynotes and debates. We were specially attracted by “Innovation in banks: overview of the startups-key accounts and the integration in the banking world” in which Santander’s Head of Innovation, for instance, clearly described technology issues banks are facing nowadays and helped us understand how innovation could be implemented in their daily operations.

In Dublin, we had the opportunity to pitch our company and visit Facebook’s European headquarters. After presenting SESAMm’s strategy and our range of products, we got introduced to notable investors and could also discover the unique working environment of Facebook through a guided tour of their offices. Meeting with the brilliant teams that shaped one of the most successful companies of the century was a great moment to conclude the French Fintech Tour.

We would like to thank Business France for the quality and the preparation shown by them during this 3-day of the whole event: we very much appreciated the tour and have met with great people that will most certainly help SESAMm growing and developing in the near future. Last, but not least, we would also like to thank all partners of the French Fintech Tour: Angels Cube, Early Metrics, Santander, French Tech London, and Finance Innovation who did a wonderful job covering the whole event on social networks.

Seeing the very promising feedbacks we have already received, we will quickly renew this type of participation to discover new markets & countries!