SESAMm raises €2.6 million Euros

FinTech and Big Data for financial markets – SESAMm raises 2.6 million Euros. Objective: to accelerate its international development!

SESAMm – a specialist in the exploitation of applied Big Data to asset management – has just finalized a capital raise representing a new acceleration phase of its growth. The company is aiming to become a leader in the fields of alternative data and artificial intelligence for the financial markets.  

Innovative and powerful solutions to forecast the markets

SESAMm, with its offices in Metz, Paris and Luxembourg, developed two highly innovative asset management solutions to forecast the markets. The first solution, since 2014, is the Data Stream Premium, a predictive trading signal generation service based on Big Data and artificial intelligence. It enables the alternative Investment Funds and the Hedge Funds to generate outperformance in the financial markets, and this first solution attracted major players in the sector.

In 2017, L’Humeur des Marchés was launched, a data visualization platform as well as an API access (Programming Interface), which offers alternative analysis and data on many thousands of assets, available in 8 languages including Chinese and Japanese. This perfectioning of the algorithms and tools, which improves the arbitration decisions, the research and exploitation of market opportunities, increases the international notoriety of SESAMm.

The American multinationals are interested in us, this is very promising.” reveals Sylvain Forte, co-founder and CEO of SESAMm. “In one year, we have almost doubled our staff and we plan to hire more than a dozen of new employees until the end of 2018 in fields such as data science, software development, automatic language processing, and quantitative analysis. We have the objective of doubling our turnover for the year 2018 and we are aiming €20 millions of turnover by 2021.

An expanding Startup

Today, the startup SESAMm has offices in 3 cities in France and Luxembourg; SESAMm has 18 employees and relies on top profiles in the fields of artificial intelligence and quantitative analysis. Its commercial activity is booming, with the recent signing of two big agreements with Nikko Global Wrap (one of the subsidiaries of Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management, a major asset manager in Japan) managing JPY 1.7 trillion and La Française Investment Solutions, a subsidiary of the Group La Française (in the top 10 of asset management in France, managing $64 billion).

“Our objective is to enhance our positioning in France and then in Europe, particularly in the beginning of this year with a new subsidiary in London. Our development will also go through the United States. The growth prospects of our market are strong: from $67 billion in 2014, the market for software for asset management should grow to nearly $104 billion in 2019 according to MarketsAndMarkets”, stated Sylvain Forte.

Capital raising: confidence and growth

The bank “Caisse d’Epargne Lorraine Champagne-Ardenne” and the fund “Fonds Venture Numérique Lorrain” are the main investors in this capital raising in which BPI, the bank “Banque Populaire de Lorraine”, the network of “Bourgogne Angels” and other national and international business angels have confirmed and renewed their support and participation. And thanks to their supports, SESAMm can accelerate its national and international growth.

“We are proud for being the first investors to believe in the potential of SESAMm and we are looking forward to this new capital raising,” explains Marie Tribout, chairman of the fund “Fonds Venture Numérique Lorrain”. “We participate in this capital raise for two main reasons: first, our conviction about the relevance of the SESAMM project and its team excellence; secondly, this participation is part of our Neobusiness system extension, which is based on supporting closely the growth of startups in our region.” said Benoît Mercier, chairman the bank “Caisse d’Epargne Lorraine Champagne- Ardenne”.

“Our partners trust is precious” explains Pierre Rinaldi, co-founder and COO of SESAMm.” It validates the excellent performance of our technologies, which are improved continuously by our R & D center. We have new applications in the works.”

For this fundraise, SESAMm has been helped by Eric Bezard, specialist in administrative and financial management and equity capital markets, from the financial consulting firm TMA. SESAMm was also helped by the Parisian business lawyers firm Orrick with a team led by George Rigo, associate, with his collaborators Olivier Vuillod and Cécile Renaud.

Unique and innovative technologies

“SESAMm is a valuable partner for Eagle Alpha”, said Hugh O’Connor, the director of Data Sourcing and Partnerships at Eagle Alpha. “The SESAMm products provide a level of scientific rigor, transparency and flexibility that distinguishes the company from other market players.”

“The French Investment Solutions is collaborating with the SESAMm team in order to explore potential investment approaches based on artificial intelligence. The LFIS (La Française Investment Solutions) uses SESAMm technologies in order to exploit the Big Data in the field of quantitative management “, said Guillaume Garchery, the portfolio manager and head of the quantitative research R&D at La Française Investment Solutions.